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Financial wellbeing budget calculator

Get on track by building your budget

This is an important step in our Financial Wellbeing Programme. With our budget tool you can track your spending, adjust, plan and reflect. Set yourself up for success by being mindful of your expenses.

Give us an indication of your current situation Fill out your income and expenses Review and make any adjustments before saving

Just so you know, we don’t save any of your responses and it’s free for anyone to use, whether you bank with us or not.

Tell us about your current situation

We’ll use this information to make your budgeting experience a little easier. The answers you give here will help us to provide you with a more relevant budget template.

Select all that apply Need extra help? Impacted by COVID-19?

We’re here to help. See information about the available support options to help you through COVID-19.

Financial hardship Financial difficulty is more common than you think. Don’t go it alone. Book an A-Z Review online

Get the best out of your banking by talking with an ANZ Personal Banker. It’s a free one-one-one discussion in branch.

Budgeting services MoneyTalks provide confidential, non-judgemental free budgeting services throughout New Zealand. Important information

Your information will not be stored once this session is complete. ANZ does not use the information you provide for the purpose of assessing any application. If you want to know more about how information is treated as you access and interact with read our Website Security and Privacy Statement.

The ANZ Budget Planner is a tool provided for illustrative purposes only. It is provided by Dave Clark Design Associates Limited on behalf of ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited (“ANZ”). The results generated by using the ANZ Budget Planner tool are only a guide and based only on the information you have provided. It does not constitute a quote or financial advice. ANZ does not endorse or approve any budget created using the ANZ Budget Planner.