Get Certified

Kentucky teacher certification is based upon the completion of a teacher preparation program that includes student teaching and testing when applicable. Kentucky requires a recommendation from the certification official at the college/university (where the applicant completed his/her initial teacher preparation program) regarding the specific teacher preparation program completed, grade level, degree level, and completion date of the program.

Required Documentation For Teacher Certification Recommendation

Starting May2, 2022 you should log into your EPSB account at and follow the instructions listed for completing a certification application (CA-1).

Required Documentation For Teacher Certification Recommendation

Application for Kentucky Teacher Certification or Change in Salary Rank

Starting May2, 2022 you should log into your EPSB account at and follow the instructions listed for completing a certification application (CA-1).

Please Note: WKU cannot accept certification fees. The certification fees should be paid directly through the Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness (OLE) epay system at Formerly Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB).

Official Transcript(S) Reflecting Degree Awarded or Course Work Completed

Electronic transcripts sent DIRECTLY from the institution's third-party transcript provider to

Electronic transcripts are not accepted if printed by or forwarded by the applicant.

Praxis II Specialty Examination Scores

Tests taken in Kentucky should automatically be reported to the Education Professional Standards Board.

If you have tested outside of Kentucky, select the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (code 7283) to have ETS electronically submit your scores to our office.